Spring is Springing Soon!
Well, we did it.
We survived winter. Almost.
That means spring is on the horizon, which means SHOW SEASON is coming up quick!
Whether you show at the big shows, or keep it small at local schooling shows, we have plenty of items to help you look the part.
An easy way to dress up your look for the show ring is by adding in a fancy browband to your horses bridle.
Some opt for colour, and some riders prefer a more simple browband for the show ring. Regardless of your preference, we have many super affordable options. Not everything has to be insanely priced when it comes to showing. Save your cash for classes and stabling fees.
If you know anything about me, you know that I ADORE rose gold. Thats why it was so important for me to not only create Rebel Equestrian rose gold spurs, but also MATCHING spur straps. Us equestrians LIVE for the matchy matchy life, and any way we can add it to our ever growing collections of horse tack, saddle pads and equestrian accessories we will.
Check out our spurs and spur straps.
Some may say extra, I simply say necessary.
Look good feel good right?
As always, feel free to send me your feedback on items you'd like to see in our store.
email: hello@rebelequestrian.com
Happy Riding!
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